Guardians of My Sanity
If nothing else can go smoothly in this truly crapped up
world of ours, at least we can take solace in the fact that somebody finally
got the formula right to make a hilarious and smart summer action blockbuster
again. Israel killing impoverished Palestinians. Palestinians are
shooting rockets from next to schools to make Israel look even worse than it otherwise would when it massively over-retaliates (though I don’t think they need much help in that regard). The Russian military is
blowing commercial airliners filled with AIDS researchers and soccer fans out
of the sky and then being all, “Nah. That wasn’t us. That was, uhhhhh, other
dudes with surface to air missile launchers.” San Francisco has been overrun with affluent youngsters
that have zero social skills and insist on going to the places you like and
then knock drinks out of your hands with their giant backpacks, completely
oblivious to the concept of rudeness. Michael Bay hired some schmuck to crap
out Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles back into pop culture but PETER GUNN MADE AN
The collective fellating that we as a culture owe everyone
involved in the production of Guardians
of the Galaxy is one of enormous depth and vigor. Somehow this crew was
able to get a Hollywood studio to spend lots of money on a flick that was
clearly out of the comfort zone of expected box office revenue. In other words,
GOTG is not a remake of anything. GOTG is not some sequel to a franchise that
exists solely for aging has-beens to seem relevant (read: Expendables 1 through
3 and the next million of those that will no doubt be made until I kill
Stallone with a rake). GOTG is not a “gritty” reimaging of a superhero tale
because Christopher Nolan’s Batman flicks were so popular that now some Mirimax
exec thinks The Flash or whoever has to be treated with the dramatic gravitas
deserved of a production of Othello. (I’m
talking about you, Zack Snyder, you petulant hack.) Guardians of the Galaxy is just a whole lot of fun… like movies
used to be in a magical time in filmmaking you might have heard of known as
“The Eighties”. (If you are a Millennial, this is that time period when your
parents suddenly had to flush all of their cocaine down the toilet because the
pregnancy test showed a + instead of a -. Also, there was Ghostbusters and Indianan
Jones and other great stuff. You saw those on TBS once, probably.)
Now, if you are a dork, like I am, you were well aware that GOTG
was going to rule because you were stalking news about it since the first
teaser trailer, familiar with the director’s humorous prior work and also went
to San Diego Comic Con this year wherein Marvel was full court pressing the
flick so that we would all take to our blogs and twitters and snapchats and
whatnots and generate some hardcore nerd buzz, yo. And that, we Comic Con
attendees, did. We buzzed SO HARD. Then GOTG made ALL OF THE MONEY a few weeks
later, which is exactly why motion picture studios continue to parade their
offerings in front of us Con geeks even if the movies aren’t at all comic,
fantasy, or sci-fi related. Seriously,
I’m pretty sure The Piano would be
screened at SDCC if it was going to be released next year. Ladies and gentlemen please welcome to the Hall H stage… Jodie Foster and
Harvey Keitel’s penis!! WOOOOO!!
Here are some other fun facts about SDCC 2014: everybody was
drunk. I think. Well, I was drunk and so were Adam, Sam and Kevin. We dressed
up, too. You can find the photos on the interweb. Search for “White Trash
Avengers” on the tweets and facebookies and snapchats and whatnots. Though, if
you are reading this, you probably saw all those photos already because only
two or three people regularly view this crap I write and they do it mostly out
of pity but please don't go - yes I'm talking to you, Steve in Nashville; you are all I have!
In keeping with standard SDCC tradition, I saw a “Con
Exclusive” teaser trailer that made my wiener all tingly but I know
intellectually that the movie just wants my money and could give a shit about
my feelings… like a stripper. This year,
it was footage from Zack “Slo-Mo” Snyder’s upcoming Batman versus Superman film,
Batman v Superman. The clip was
pretty much straight out of my favorite comic of all time, Frank Miller’s
seminal Batman book, The Dark Knight
Returns. I’ll go ahead and spoil the ending for you now if you haven’t read
it because I don’t respect you enough as a person to not spoil it (because you
haven’t read it; seriously, what is wrong with you?).
Anyhow, Batman and Superman fight. Batman wears this awesome
armor. Batman wins, but then has a giant heart attack. The film clip showed
Batman in the armor and Superman looking all pissed off. Presumably, they then
fight, as indicated by the incredibly vague and confusing title of the film.
But, as I am a veteran nerd and strip club customer, I know
that Zack Snyder is a terrible, terrible director who makes mockeries of things
that I love, such as Frank Miller’s (AGAIN) 300
and Superman. NEWS FLASH: Superman isn’t supposed to be “gritty” or full
of angst. He’s supposed to be an all around good dude whose weaknesses are
limited to his love for humanity and green rocks. He isn’t supposed to kill
thousands of people in a dust up with Zod and clearly not be at all bothered by
the practice.
In 2013 I saw teasers for GOTG. Then, against all odds, the
stripper fell in love with me. This is not the first time that has happened but
I mean it metaphorically in this instance. If metaphors go over your head, work
on your reflexes, folks.
And go see GOTG again. Throw your money at it. Hollywood is
like a dog: you get it to come to you with treats. If that doesn’t work, you
beat it with a rolled up newspaper in the form of angry nerds panning dumb
movies on their blogs, tweets, facebookies, snapchats, whatnots, etc.
(authored 2014)
(authored 2014)